How Do Veneers Work?
Veneers are thin pieces of porcelain, resin or composite materials that are molded and polished to resemble your teeth’s natural enamel color and finish. They are secured to the front of teeth which are chipped, broken or otherwise discolored in order to make your visible teeth more aesthetically pleasing. It is usually an uncovered elective procedure costing between $1,000 and $2,000 in Jacksonville. Veneers are expected to last between 7 and 15 years after application.
Pros of Veneers
The major benefit of getting veneers is how great you feel when you can smile with confidence again. They are the quickest way to make a tooth beautiful again without needing to get a crown or an implant. A dentist applying veneers in Jacksonville can match your teeth so others won’t even know you have a false front.
There are three primary considerations you should discuss with your dentist when deciding if veneers are right for you. First, your tooth beneath the veneer can still decay so it’s important to maintain proper cleaning. Second, porcelain veneers are vulnerable to chipping. Finally, your veneers will not change color once applied, so if you undergo whitening or allow your teeth to discolor the veneer will begin to stand out from the other teeth around it.
If you think veneers may be right for you, contact Carlson Dental Group at (904) to schedule your consultation for veneers in Jacksonville today.