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Cosmetic Corrections: How Long Do the Results Last?

May 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — carlsondental @ 4:08 pm
Large cut-out tooth next to a toy alarm clock on a pale blue background

Let’s face it, your smile is one of the first things that people notice about you. It’s a key part of your first impression, so it’s only natural to want to have a perfectly flawless grin. But what if you’re dealing with aesthetic issues in your teeth? Visible concerns can be more than just physical problems; they can also affect your confidence and how you interact with others. For example, you might find yourself trying not to speak, smile, or engage socially. But don’t worry, there are solutions!

You and your dentist can address those unsightly stains, chips, cracks, and gaps in your teeth with one or more cosmetic services. Before you decide on a procedure, however, it’s important to be well-informed about the expected results and their longevity.

Continue reading to learn about 3 popular treatments and how long they usually last so you can choose the solution that best meets your needs!

Cosmetic Procedure #1: Teeth Whitening

Years of eating and drinking foods that stain can leave your pearly whites looking dark and dingy. Thankfully, one of the simplest and most cost-effective ways to upgrade your grin is with teeth whitening. Your dentist uses professional-grade materials that can lighten your smile by 6 to 8 shades in a single in-office visit. If that doesn’t suit you, they can also send you home with a kit that uses the same high-quality gels, along with trays that are custom-fitted to your mouth for optimal results.

Generally, you can expect your teeth to remain their brighter hue for anywhere from 6 months to 3 years. To keep them sparkling fresh, you should brush and floss twice daily to prevent plaque buildup that gives staining ingredients something to cling to.

Cosmetic Procedure #2: Invisalign

A crooked, gapped, or overcrowded grin can impact both your appearance and your oral well-being. You’re not likely to feel your best when you’re worried about your uneven teeth, which can put a real dent in your self-confidence. Plus, it’s harder to thoroughly brush and floss your pearly whites when you can’t reach all their surfaces. You’re unfortunately more prone to developing cavities and gum disease as a result.

Invisalign is a visually discrete way to realign your teeth without metal brackets. This method uses clear plastic trays that fit snuggly over them to gently reposition them, instead. Treatment usually can be completed in 12-18 months and can potentially give you a straighter smile for the rest of your life.

Cosmetic Procedure #3: Dental Bonding

Chips, cracks, and stubborn stains on your teeth can leave them prone to additional injury on top of detracting from your appearance. Fortunately, your dentist can mend and mask any areas of concern with dental bonding. First, they’ll apply a small amount of composite resin to your tooth. Then, they’ll mold it into the ideal shape and harden it into place with a special curing light.

The material bonds with your enamel and is color-matched so that no one can tell the difference. Plus, it usually only takes one appointment to complete from start to finish and can last 8 to 15 years. That makes this a highly efficient, long-term solution.

Consult with your dentist today, and you could be well on your way to having a newly perfected smile that lasts for years!

About the Practice

At Carlson Dental Group, patients benefit from two highly skilled dentists who work together to offer a full range of services under one roof, including cosmetic dentistry. With decades of combined experience and countless hours of advanced training, there’s no problem they can’t handle. They combine a personal approach with state-of-the-art technology to enhance your comfort while increasing the accuracy of treatment results. If you’re interested in improving your smile, you can request a consultation appointment on the website or by calling (904) 262-8409.

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